Waste is automatically wrapped and sealed in our proprietary bagging material during a “flush” and then hidden in a lined receptacle under the seat. When it’s time, simply lift out the liner bag containing all the wrapped waste, tie it off, and put it in any garbage bin. You will never see or smell the waste at any time.

Here's a short video showing you.

Yes the Dry Flush Toilet is approved for vehicles that want to be certified as self-contained by NZ Lifestyle Camping. You will need to also purchase a mounting kit so that it is permanently fixed in place.

Also, as of August 2024, the Dry Flush does not need to be vented, meaning it can save you on setup compared to other units on the market that requrie ventilation or tanks.

The price list for bags and other accessories can be found here.

Our patented bagging system works using a cartridge that holds one mylar bag underneath the toilet seat that is more than 5 meters long. When you “flush” the toilet, the vacuum, the fan and the electric motor work together to wrap the waste and pull down a fresh bag from the 5 meter cartridge. There are about 15 “flushes” in each 5 meter long cartridge bag, but using pee-powder (explained below), many users get between 25 and 30 "uses" per 5 meter cartridge bag.

Here's a short video showing you.

It only takes about 30 seconds to do it and the great news is, you don't SEE or SMELL any waste and any time, and there are no trips to chemical dumping opints ever again.

Here's a short video showing you.

Laveo Pee Powder is a non-toxic, biodegradable powder that turns your urine into a gel while deodorising it at the same time. This means that you don’t have to flush the toilet every time, and you save money because you’re not using as many bags. Instead of getting 15 flushes per bagging cartridge, you can now get up to 30 "uses", potentially cutting your bag costs in half.

Just sprinkle a small amount (no more than a tea-spoon) into the bowl before you urinate, and within two minutes your urine will be an odourless gel that won’t slosh around or create any smell.

Using pee powder, you can easily get three pees in before you need to flush, but we do not recommend going more than three before flushing. Pee powder is not for poos.

Here's a short video showing you.

The toilet is:

464 mm high
407 mm wide
508 mm deep

A red line appears on the inside of the bagging material that is in the bowl when it has about two more flushes. We recommend that you make the last use of the bag the one where you first see that red line and then change the cartridge.

Here's a short video showing you.

When you reach the end of the 5 meter mylar bag that is contained in the plastic cartridge (as explained above), simply lift off the toilet seat so that the cartridge is now the only thing above the bowl (which will be clean and empty). Gently pull the remaining bagging material from plastic cartridge and let it fall into the receptacle along with the rest of the wrapped waste parcels. The plastic rim will now be untethered and able to be put into a recycle bin. This will make perfect sense when you have your own toilet.

Here's a short video showing you.

The bags are made of the same stuff that packages a wide range of everyday food items that most Australians and Kiwis consume daily.

Chocolate bars, nuts, chips, crackers, energy bars, and loads more ALL use mylar to preserve the freshness of the goods inside and all end up in the same place as these bags, landfill.

Sometimes people get "a bit funny" about these bags forgetting that when they go camping now, they dispose of loads of chip packets and other products that use the same material without a second thought.

Naturally, we would love NOT to use mylar, but much like the food industry, mylar packaging serves an essential purpose. In this case, all biodegradable products that we've tested do not hold the waste well enough or for waste management.

For example, if you're out for a week camping and your biodegradable toilet bag bio-degrades while in the toilet still, it's a real problem!

Just like food where most people prefer their chips crunchy rather than soggy - when camping, most people prefer their tent site, van, or RV to smell fresh, rather than like a sewer.

The other part of this is poo going into bins. It sounds gross, but only because this is a new product to Australia and New Zealand.

Many people forget that every day more than 5,000,000 domestic dogs are walked in Australia and all of their poop is put straight into council bins.

Then there are an estimated 2,000,000,000 (2 BILLION) disposable nappies containing human poop that go into Australian bins and landfill annually, where they take about 500 years to break down.

As a matter of comparison, a DryFlush cartridge that manages 30 toilet events weighs 169 grams as opposed to a disposable nappy with the same toilet capacity weighing 1,500 grams, nearly 900% more mass.

When you think about 5,000,000 dogs a DAY and 2 Billion nappies, that's a LOT of poop that is already going into council bins and landfill.

Users of DryFlush toilets account for a TINY percentage of both poop and landfill compared to doggy bags and nappies, and our customers NEVER empty their chemical toilets into rivers or natural habitats, nor do they leave toilet paper and raw poo just steps from the paths that are used by the general public around the country.

Please think about these facts when you weigh up the benefits and impact of these toilets.

You can, but the Laveo is water resistant not waterproof. It must be covered with a garbage bag or some suitable waterproof cover

It has been tested to 225 kg without appreciable deformation.

This is always a possibility, but don’t worry. No damage has been done. The receptacle that is normally lined with a plastic bag will just need to be emptied and cleaned.

Is it legal to dump human waste in landfills?
Yes. All landfills accept human waste to accommodate baby and adult diapers. Standard regulations require that waste be contained in plastic bags.

The bags are made of the same stuff that packages a wide range of everyday food items that most Australians and Kiwis consume daily.

Chocolate bars, nuts, chips, crackers, energy bars, and loads more ALL use mylar to preserve the freshness of the goods inside and all end up in the same place as these bags, landfill.

Sometimes people get on their moral high horse about these bags ignoring the fact that when they go camping now, they dispose of loads of chip packets and other products that use exactly the same material without a second thought.

Naturally, we would love NOT to use mylar, but much like the food industry, mylar packaging serves an essential purpose. In this case, all biodegradable products that we've tested do not hold the waste well enough or for waste management.

For example, if you're out for a week camping and your biodegradable toilet bag bio-degrades while in the toilet still, it's a real problem!

Just like food where most people prefer their chips crunchy rather than soggy - when camping, most people prefer their tent site, van, or RV to smell fresh, rather than like a sewer.

The other part of this that some people think about is poo going into bins. It sounds gross, but only because this is a new product to Australia and New Zealand.

Many people forget the fact that every day more than 5,000,000 domestic dogs are walked in Australia and almost all of them poop, and then the owner dumps that poop into a council bin.

Then there are an estimated 1,000,000 disposable nappies containing human poop A DAY going into Australian bins - and then landfill where they take about 500 years to break down.

As a matter of comparison, a DryFlush cartridge that manages 30 toilet events weighs 169 grams as opposed to a disposable nappy with the same capacity weighing 1,500 grams.

When think about 5,000,000 dogs a day pooping into our bins and 1,000,000 nappies a day on top, you're talking about more than 2 Billion poops a year going into bins just in Australia already.

Users of DryFlush toilets account for a TINY percentage of both poop and landfill compared to doggy bags and nappies, and our customers NEVER empty their chemical toilets into rivers or natural habitats, nor do they leave toilet paper and raw poo just steps from the paths that are used by the general public around the country.

Please think about these facts when you weigh up the benefits and impact of these toilets.

For further reading, please read this article which includes a contribution from an Australian who has dealt with our Government on this matter.

This quote is taken directly from the Australian contributor to this article:

"I’ve worked in local Government in Australia and the same rules apply here along with the same misconceptions. Campers often park close to water and dump close to water with clear before and after readings on the water quality showing that dumping is a huge problem. The same people then swim in the water they’ve contaminated. We advise to “double bag” compost waste and put it in the bin – ie use two quality garbage bags that have each been sealed."

You can re-order refills and even spare parts from our New Zealand warehouse at all times by calling 0800 124 227 or online at www.dryflush.co.nz

This is the best thing about the Laveo! It took over two years of full-time testing and development to get there but today, thanks to the proprietary barrier material and the patented bagging system that works using a combination of fans, a vacuum and electric motor, all smell is completely locked in after each flush. Not only that, once “flushed” you will never see the waste again either. When this toilet is emptied, it’s really empty. There is nothing to create a cumulative or lingering “dirty toilet” odour. All surfaces that come in contact with waste are discarded in the double-layered barrier bag.

The battery will last for several months, depending upon weather and for at least 300 flushes before charging is needed.

Just wipe the exterior with a damp cloth. There is no holding tank to clean. All surfaces that contact waste are discarded when you change refills.

We do sell a mounting plate that is very easy to instal. It cost $129 and installation can be done in about 20 minutes with very basic tools (a drill and some screws). See our shop for details.

This mounting kit enables you to slide the toilet in and out easily as well so you can still move it around if needed.

How do you secure the toilet in a caravan or motorhome?

How do you secure the toilet in a caravan or motorhome?
You can remove used waste bundles even if it has bagging material still left in the cartridge. That being said, you would be throwing out the remaining bagging material which is a shame.

When we get asked this question, it's usually because people are planning to use the toilet in a location that they may not use often like a boat or off grid cabin, and they're worried about having 5 or 6 bags full of waste sitting there for months at a time.

Rest assured, that is the benefit of the Laveo and why so many people in these situations are switching to this toilet.

Our bags are made of mylar so that they seal in the smell long term and can be used in locations where you might only use half a cartridge and then come back six months later (like a boat or a tiny home) without the place being smelly. These bags don't break down or let smell out which is key to their effectiveness and why our toilets are so popular.

The wattage of the toilet is 10.35 watts. Very minimal!

We are proudly a local small kiwi business and are here for good! This means you will have on-going local supplies and support at the click of a button or just a call away.